Monday, May 26, 2008

Is Kobe Bryant Cheating on His Wife Again? is reporting that (they broke the Matt Leinart beer bong with coeds pics) has information linking Kobe Bryant to an affair with a former Lakers cheerleader. Kobe's lawyer is demanding a "cease and desist" on the story, but is refusing, claiming the story is legitimate and they have a legal right to report it.

Meanwhile, Kobe's wife Vanessa is preparing for the arrival of a huge new diamond ring.


  1. Anonymous10:27 PM

    I don't know about all that. Its nonsenes. Kobe is too focused at the task at hand to worry about some hoochie coming in the way of his marriage. He's got a championship to win and two loving daughters to worry about on his plate. However you should check out which laker is on here:

  2. I really thought this was an actual comment from a real reader of this blog, but then at the end I realized that thisis just a very sneaky Spammer trying to plug his strange product. I would normally delete the message, but I'm going to let it remain because this guy is creative ... and dishonest.

  3. Anonymous3:37 PM

    conference of the legue.

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